A page for sharing member’s ideas or recommendations for photo trips, either individually or perhaps as a group. If you would like help contacting any particular member, just ask Chris at info@shaftesburycameraclub.org.uk or perhaps try our Facebook Page. The following are in no particular order.
Members suggestions for interesting photographic opportunities…
- Minterne Gardens, Dorset DT2 7AU (7 miles south of Sherborne). www.minterne.co.uk £6 entry, free car parking. A large garden in the style of Capability Brown featuring Himalayan Rhododendrons and Azaleas so at it’s peak in May. Now runs a simple photo competition.
- Aviation shoots… with a difference! £££ www.threshold.aero, a new events company, organizes specialist photoshoots at various locations including RNAS Yeovilton as a means of raising funds to support historic aircraft restoration. Get up close, sometimes airside, sometimes night shoots: tickets limited and sell fast!
- Shuttleworth Collection, Biggleswade Bedfordshire, SG18 9EP www.shuttleworth.org £££ A recommendation from Sue B: their flying days are amazing as planes are normally 1st and 2nd world war so slower and slightly easier to photograph.
- Hawk Conservatory, Andover Hants, SP11 8DY www.hawk-conservancy.org £££ Val S together with 6 others had a very successful day in April 2018, being lucky enough to get the first nice sunny day after a long winter!
- Swanage Railway, Nordon (near Swanage), Dorset BH20 5DW www.swanagerailway.co.uk £££ A “Freedom of the Line” ticket costs £21 for a day allowing hopping on and off with good parking at Norden. David L can give some more tips!
- Stourhead, near Mere, Wiltshire, BA12 6QD www.nationaltrust.org.uk/stourhead £££ but free for NT members. Always a popular venue for photographers especially for Autumn colour. Brian T has been a volunteer at Stourhead and may be able to give ideas for best times and spots.
- Compton Abbas Airfield, Ashmore, Salisbury SP5 5AP www.comptonabbasairfield.co.uk £Free A local attraction that can provide some excellent photo opportunities if you pick the right time and day and they have a good restaurant for lunch! Talk to Karen G for more info.
- Abbotsbury, near Weymouth, Dorset, DT3 4JG www.abbotsbury-tourism.co.uk £££ Another popular venue and Brian T has led visits in the past and suggests members might like to visit for an afternoon in the gardens and then stay on (after something to eat) for the illuminations in the evening.