Ladies v Gents Competition 2021/22

Ladies v Gents Match 2021/22 – Set Subject ‘Dorset and Wiltshire Landmarks’

This is a PDI competition with a set subject of ‘Dorset and Wiltshire Landmarks’. This is different from the definition for ‘Landscapes’ – a ‘Landmark’ is a recognisable natural or manmade feature (e.g. Win Green or Corfe Castle).

We need 25 images from each team and the team leaders will need your images in good time to make their choices. Please upload up to 4 images as usual via the website and at least one will be chosen from each entry. Entries used in other competitions can be re-submitted for the LvG Match.

It would be lovely to get as many members entering as possible, including those who don’t usually participate in competitions. This is a light-hearted evening, but the Gents are determined to win after 2 defeats in a row by the Ladies!

To upload your images, please click here. Deadline is midnight Sunday February 27th.


Mar 10 2022


7:30 pm - 10:00 pm


RBL Hall