2021 Facebook Challenge
Our vice chairman, Jayne Harris, has invited us all to join her in a weekly Facebook Challenge.
From Jayne:
I am going to embark on a 52-week photography challenge and I’d like you all to join me!! Who knows, it might be fun. Anyway, what we need to do to make this work is use the prompt list for each week’s theme and then upload one image per week between Friday and Thursday. If we put each week’s theme on a hashtag # (eg #week1water) then I THINK what can happen is that we can click on the # and it will show us all the images we’ve put in for that title.
There’s no judging and no prizes, it’s purely for fun and to focus our photographic minds and to encourage us to get out and look for creations. I would encourage us to “like” and/or comment on each other’s images and to engage and interact. This is open to all members of this GROUP and not just to members of the club so please join in.
This won’t work without your enthusiasm and some level of commitment, although I strongly suspect both will drop off at various points along the way!! It doesn’t matter at all what device you use to make the photograph and it’s meant to be fun so no pressure for competition winning images or anything like that.
Our first week has started (Friday 1st Jan) and will run until Thurs 7th… WATER (so .. #week1water). I WILL have an image to start us off, but I need to finish editing it later today What do you think?? Shall we have a go??
To take part, go to the Shaftesbury Camera Club Facebook page.