Archiving PDIs on the Club Laptop
In brief:
- Place 1400×1050 copies of images in Internal Comp or External Comp folders on desktop & use these to compile any new competition in Dicentra.
- Archive copies after home competitions extracted from Dicentra (1024×768) in Scored PDI folder.
To archive after home competitions:
1. Export competition from Dicentra with marks at beginning, Title and Author,
e.g. (007.0)_Surfing_Karen Green.jpg
2. Put into a folder with name of competition date and Underscore Subject (e.g. Shuffell PY2 Jan14_Street) under Scored PDIs. Delete the slideshow and thumbnail folders, transfer the images into the parent folder and delete the image folder. For external competitions delete other club’s entries.
3. Select all, open in Faststone, batch convert and rename *_$P (don’t resize or any other options!). Output into a working space sub-folder in the flat file folder.
4. Copy 8.5 and over into the appropriate folder, move all the images into the flat file so these can be easily reviewed when selecting high scoring images in any future external competitions.
updated Mar14